Social Media Production
Dimelo305 can beneift your business in a variety of ways. As a business, social media production is imperative. No matter your area of focus, our team can produce engaging content for your brand. Our staff will work closely with your company to create professional videos to promote your business to your customers. Whether you’re a law firm, bakery, a real estate company, or in the financial sector we’re here to help maximize your target audience.

Dimelo305 can provide entertainment for your business in two ways. Our Dimelo305 truck is the perfect addition for any outdoor event. The truck is equipped with an onboard DJ and sound system. Dimelo305 can also entertain through interactive interviews.

Creative Director
Many companies struggle to create engaging and intentional content for their business. Dimelo305 takes time to study your business. Doing so, allows us to produce, record, and edit content that fits your business needs.
Our Story